Our RESEARCH focuses on the molecular ecology and conservation genomics of primarily marine fishes. We achieve this using genomic data sets to identify patterns of connectivity and population structure, explore the interaction with and adaptation to the environment on a genetic level, and determine how this applies to conservation and management.
We learn and do science together following three principles:
(also, nobody has time to make all the mistakes themselves, so learn from other people’s mistakes)
Research projects fall into two major categories:
Sound interesting? Contact me to talk about research projects!
Current study species include southern flounder, golden tilefish and gafftopsail fish.
Conservation Genetics focuses on small populations, past study species include white sharks, silversides, sturgeon, and winter flounder, ongoing research includes salmon and bullsharks.
How did the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oilspill affect golden tilefish, and other demersal species?
DNA fingerprinting can be used to identify individuals and their relationships to each other with a variety of applciations, including aquaculture.
Mixed stock analysis can be used to determine the contribution of individual rivers and estuaries that form the natal habitat and/or nurseries of juveniles recruiting to populations offshore.
Genetic barcoding for species identification ... gut content analaysis, wildlife forensics and other applications.
For an up to date list of peer-reviewed papers see GoogleScholar Profile.
See all Publications for more examples!
Taught Ecology & Evolution (Lecture/Lab), Biodiversity (Lecture), Molecular Ecology & Evolution (seminar)